The Official
Florence Mascot
Gallery of Information
This page is an archive of information about the Exploding Whale. It is a work in progress.
If you have a link, let us know! WhaleGoBoom97439 @ or on social medial @ILoveFlorence97439
Links about the ExpLoding Whale
54th Anniversary Coverage (2024)
53rd Anniversary Coverage (2023)
The Story Of Oregon’s Exploding Whale And The Wild Footage Left Behind
CNN - This baseball team chose an exploding whale as its new identity
52nd Anniversary Coverage (2022)
51st Anniversary Coverage (2021)
50th Anniversary Coverage (2020)
Siuslaw News - 50 years of Florence’s (in)famous ‘whale tale’
- - Wacky Oregon Coast History: Nov. 12 is Happy Exploding Whale Day, New Facts
49th Anniversary Coverage (2019)
48th Anniversary Coverage (2018)
General Media Coverage
- - Council uses exploding whale analogy to tell people to listen to the experts
- - The US Forest Service Guide To Completely Obliterating A Horse With Explosives
Other ode to the Whale